Tuesday, October 25, 2011

First Trimester

Well....here we go....our journey to parenthood.  It may be long and full of useless details but here it is. How we became parents!!!

 John and I were married in 2003 and were both on the same page with waiting for children (however, it was what I was born to be...A MOTHER) We had decided to wait 1 year before we tried for children however, birthcontrol was NOT in our vocabulary. So NOT using birthcontrol and NOT wanting a child yet, we took our chances. Well 1 year came and went and we had decided to wait another year...then year 2 came and went and when I we were finally ready to start trying...I KNEW we had to go straight to the fertility doctors. Let's face it....we had been married for over 2 years and really never used protection and still no baby. So I knew we would need help.
So our journey with the fertility clinic started in 2005 when we made our first appointment. From there, I swear we lived at the clinic. I was told I had Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (better known as PCOS) and had a 2% chance of EVER getting pregnant!! 2%!!!!! Your thoughts were the same as mine...that's kinda low...But then he told us that average couple only has a 10% chance of conceiving. Did you know how much science there is to making a baby? Counting the days in your cycle and on day 5-7 do this and on day 10-12 do this and so on....So when we were given those odds we simply said..."Ya know what..the Bible doens't say that we only have a 2% chance...the Bible says that all my needs are met" so we continued with the appointments for quite a while and those included everything from a uterine byopsy (THEY PLUCKED A PIECE OF MY UTERIS OFF TO TEST IT FOR CANCER) to "the dye test" which is where they insert a catheter into you and inject dye in your tubes. (i got to watch it on the screen...kinda cool if I must say so myself) so whatching the dye travel through my tubes was neat however when I noticed it wasn't moving on the left side, I knew that meant something. And of course it did!  It meant that my tube was blocked and had to have a laporoscopy done. So in Aug 05 I had the surgery to "make it all better" and then moved on to the fertility part. NO MORE TESTING LETS CREATE A BABY!!! The Dr's (Dr Nash) didn't seem to think that the chlomid (pills) would work for me so they went right to the shot. I'm OK with shots and that didn't bother me however when I found out they needed to go in my butt...yeah not so much enthusiasm!! So when we did the shot in early Dec we found out as soon as possible that there were 3 "good embryos" ok so what does that mean?? It meant that the very next day we went in for artificial insemination. THE NEXT DAY???? Yep we were nervous too! Trust me!!

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